PictureEffects Xojo Plugin

PictureEffectsUtilities Module

A module with utility methods for the PictureEffects plugin, such as EnsurePictureBits and EnsurePictureCompatible.

module PictureEffectsUtilities


EnsurePictureBitsTo safely get a 32bit or 24 bit picture to use with effects in this plugin use the EnsurePictureBits function.

This function will examine the src picture that is passed to it and return it unchanged if it is considered safe for use for the effects in this plugin. If it is not safe then a new copy of the picture will be created internally that is a safe 32bit or 24 bit picture.

This function can be very fast since it will only copy the original picture when it does not fit the required specs for a 32 bit or 24 bit picture.
EnsurePictureCompatibleTo safely ensure that a picture is either 32 bit or 24 bit deep and valid in other ways for usage with PictureEffects filters then use the EnsurePictureCompatible function.

This function should only be used with filters that support both 32 bit and 24 bit Pictures. For filters that only support 32bit images then use the EnsurePictureBits function.

This function can be very fast since it will only copy the original picture when it does not fit the required specs for a 32 bit or 24 bit picture.